The Bondurant DNA Projects
The Bondurant Family Association participates in two DNA Projects, sponsored by our host company, Family Tree DNA (FTDNA).
The Bondurant-Tanner Descendants DNA Project
All men and women of any surname who are, or believe that they may be, descendants of our focal couple, John Peter (Jean Pierre) Bondurant, the Huguenot immigrant to Virginia, and his wife, Ann Tanner, are eligible to join this project.
The project focuses on autosomal DNA, or atDNA, test results. This test analyzes the DNA contained in the first 22 chromosomes of the 23 pairs we have in the nucleus of our cells. This is the DNA we inherit from ALL of our ancestors! It is the test we are using to identify our “DNA cousins,” to see how closely we are related, and to try to pinpoint the specific Bondurant lineage from which we each descend. The autosomal DNA test is called the “Family Finder” test at Family Tree DNA (FTDNA). People who have tested with AncestryDNA, 23andMe, or MyHeritage can transfer their test results to FTDNA and “unlock” the various tools available for $19.
To join the Bondurant-Tanner Descendants DNA Project, use this link:
Click on the “JOIN” box in the right-hand corner of the screen. You will be prompted to either buy a new kit or to sign in if you already have an FTDNA kit and then complete the Join Request. This will be received by the Project Administrator who will admit you into the project.
To transfer your DNA test results from AncestryDNA, 23andMe or MyHeritage, use this link:
Questions? Contact the Bondurant-Tanner Descendants DNA Project Administrator, Chuck Owen
The Bondurant Y-DNA Surname Project
A Y-DNA surname project focuses on testing one chromosome only, the Y chromosome, that a man inherits from his father virtually unchanged over many generations. It uses the Y-DNA test to learn about the paternal lineage of men who carry a particular surname. The members of a Y-DNA Surname Project are always men, although sometimes a woman can participate by having a male relative test for her.
Men who carry the Bondurant surname are eligible to join this project. Men who do not carry the Bondurant surname but whose Y-DNA matches that of other Bondurant men are also eligible to join this project.
To join the Bondurant Y-DNA Surname Project, use this link:
Click on the “JOIN” box in the right-hand corner of the screen. You will be prompted to either buy a new kit or to sign in if you already have an FTDNA kit and then complete the Join Request. This will be received by the Project Administrator who will admit you into the project.
Questions? Contact the Bondurant Y-DNA Surname Project Administrators:
Amy Sanders:
Eve Mayes: